


更新时间:2024-04-25 06:35:21 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  In my hometown is always fine, on the fifteenth day of the lanterns, praying for good crop weather, academic progress, go in peace, the business is thriving...

  Nightfall, accompanied by a loud firecrackers, families of children and adults in front of kitchen candles and prayers, and then, we carry lanterns, he hurried home, to the temple gate, then, we carry lanterns stop-go, unknowingly came to the mountain path, the adults talking and laughing, loud firecrackers is playing by the road, we watched the bundles light "shout" washed up on the sky, in the air, like the flowers, zhankai smiling faces, there are red, with purple, and yellow, beautiful! And firecrackers played to ring, "crackling" heard "crackling" homophonic is the meaning of "in peace", and to put the ring the better, we saw the front of every household, all with lamb, beef, and folded gold ingot, etc., I asked my mother: "why ask mouth put in these things?" Mother said: "this is called 'LuJi', is to worship the gods." We as the stream of people came to lee's ancestral hall, zhou ji, ancestor worship, then lanterns to be brought back to the temple. The lanterns ceremony is over.

  Our country is one of the ancient civilizations in the world, traditional culture, rich and colorful, but I still like our hometown lanterns.





  Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, play boxing finished eating breakfast in the morning, grandma said to me: "today is the Lantern Festival, the streets can be noisy, do you want to see?" "Yeah, I want to see too much, my grandma, let's go!" I'm happy to jump up.

  I followed my grandma came out from home, he heard the sound of beating drums on the streets, and all kinds of music voice, very lively. We come to the construction of road, the original spill over broad road is now, is people mountain people sea, some children can't see adults to shoulder? I slowly into the crowd, and then stepping high up over time to see, they can go from our perch on top of the stick so stability is not simple ah! Followed by a donkey, and big head boy, and dancing... Is really too good, my favorite is the dragon dance, two long dragon like swimming in midair and flexibly, really cute!

  While enjoying the wonderful show, I thought in my heart, these people want to walk so long time, but also for everyone to show, I really want to say to them: "uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, you were laborious!"






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